For students

Both the SeismoLab team and Konkoly Observatory as a whole consider mentoring talents and future researchers an important task. We are happy to talk about our work, possible avenues to research and potential research topics to high-school and undergrad students. We can offer topics for various projects and knowledge/education levels:

  • TDK/OTDK topics (Tudományos Diákkörök, University/National Scientific Student Associations’ Conference)
  • BSc, MSc thesis topics and supervision
  • PhD research plan and supervision
  • ÚNKP research topics and supervision in all BSc, MSc, PhD categories
  • ÚNKP supervision in the "Tehetséggel fel!" category for graduating high schoolers who expect to begin their university education
  • Joint projects with other research groups.

We also encourage BSc/MSc students to apply for the annual undergrad demonstrator (research assistant) calls at Konkoly Observatory. An introduction to this program is available at

Education / Oktatás:

Here you can access educational materials for classes held by our team.

Possible research topics / Kutatási témák:

A short list of possible research topics, primarily for undegraduate students. If you are interested in working with us, please contact us via email:

  • Pulzáló változócsillagok numerikus modellezése, szeizmikus és csillagfejlődési modellek
    (Numerical modeling of pulsating variable stars, asteroseismic and evolutionary models)
  • RR Lyrae csillagok tanulmányozása a Kepler K2 projekt mérései alapján
    (Studying RR Lyrae stars through the observations of the Kepler space telescope in the K2 mission)
  • Változócsillagok fotometriája a SMEI műszerrel - több évnyi űradat a Kepler előttről
    (Variable star photometry with the SMEI instrument - multi-year space-based data before Kepler)
  • A Sagittarius-törpegalaxis RR Lyrae csillagai a K2-vel
    (RR Lyrae stars in the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy observed with K2)
  • A legfényesebb északi RR Lyrae csillagok spektroszkópiai megfigyelései
    (Spectroscopic observations of the brightest northern RR Lyrae stars)